From reviews and recommendations of the best parks on Long Island to visit, to insights about the local eco-system and local forecast updates, we've got what you'll want to know about nature, local environmentental issues, and Long Island weather right here.
By Amy Gernon August 08, 2012
A fracking study at the University of Texas links wastewater injection wells to increased seismic activity near existing fault lines.
By Amy Gernon August 01, 2012
Although major melts occur on the Greenland ice sheet every 150 years or so, scientists are still considering this an extreme event, and plan on closely monitoring the area for similar occurrences over the next ...
By Amy Gernon July 25, 2012
A recent report in the journal Nature describes an innovative method for trapping greenhouse gases on the ocean floor for centuries, or longer.
By Lauren Pozmanter July 25, 2012
Want to do something different with your kids this summer? Check out these ideas!
By Amy Gernon July 17, 2012
Carrying a rock to the top of the mountain can help transform the Adirondacks.
By Amy Gernon July 11, 2012
This week's announcement of the discovery of the Higgs Boson has left many wondering what it actually is.
By Amy Gernon July 03, 2012
The death of the last Pinta giant galapagos tortoise, Lonesome George, offers a rare occasion in witnessing an extinction event.
By Amy Gernon June 26, 2012
Learning about Long Island's endangered species is the first step in preserving and protecting them.
By Amy Gernon June 20, 2012
If Ina Drew's tragic tick bite didn't catch your attention recently, perhaps the symptoms, and frequency, of lyme disease will.
By Amy Gernon June 05, 2012
19 Nassau County beaches were temporarily closed over the weekend due to a high level of bacteria from storm water.
By Amy Gernon May 28, 2012
The official opening of Long Island beaches for the season is accompanied by both good and bad news.
By Amy Gernon May 15, 2012
Despite being one of the healthiest rivers on Long Island, Carmans River in Yaphank needs immediate attention to prevent further takeover by invasive plant species.
By Amy Gernon May 08, 2012
Pretty flowers, yummy honey and the future of human civilization - all in a day's work for a honeybee. There are many benefits to keeping bees healthy on Long Island.
By Amy Gernon May 01, 2012
Without shellfish culturing facilities growing and planting seed oysters and clams, Long Island would be in short supply of its favorite bivalves.
By Amy Gernon April 25, 2012
Six coastal erosion projects have been set for Long Island.
By Amy Gernon April 17, 2012
Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone is renegotiating a contract with a solar firm to relocate plans for a solar farm at the Ronkonkoma LIRR station to make way for the Hub housing project.
By Amy Gernon April 10, 2012
A large brush fire affecting parts of Riverhead, Manorville and Ridge in Suffolk County is said to be one of the 10 worst in the state's history.
By Amy Gernon April 03, 2012
General Motors pulls funding from the Heartland Institute, a group known for its skepticism of human-induced climate change, and engages in conversation about clean energy.
By Amy Gernon March 27, 2012
Depsite the prevalence of poison ivy on Long Island, many residents don't know the proper techniques for handling and removing the pest.
By Amy Gernon March 21, 2012
Opponents of the Broadwater plan to put a floating liquified natural gas facility in the Long Island Sound are happy to see the plan scrapped, but it may lead to other environmentally hazardous work in ...